Now accepting new patients!
Selected as an Anne Arundel County “Top Doc” for 2023-2024 by What’s Up Magazine!
Dr. Nancy Wheeler is a psychiatrist who has had a private practice in Annapolis, Maryland since 2002. Dr. Wheeler treats patients with mental health concerns by utilizing psychopharmacology (medications.) She works closely with referring physicians and therapists to ensure continuity of care. Dr. Wheeler is dedicated to getting to know patients as a whole; she believes this is paramount in making an accurate diagnosis. She listens and responds to patients’ questions and concerns, and she educates patients about various options. Together, Dr. Wheeler and her patients work collaboratively to ensure individualized, optimal care. Her friendly and caring office manager ensures prompt response to patient phone calls and administrative issues. Dr. Wheeler welcomes your phone call to discuss the practice or schedule an appointment!
Dr. Wheeler specializes in the treatment of:
- depression
- bipolar disorder
- attention deficit disorder
- generalized anxiety
- panic attacks/agoraphobia
- obsessive compulsive disorder
- women’s mental health (post-partum depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, medication during pregnancy, perimenopause)
- complicated bereavement
- schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder
- mental health issues co-occurring or secondary to other medical conditions
- patients with complex medication regimens
- ongoing care/treatment as well as second-opinion evaluations
We continue to offer appointments both in person and via telehealth. If you are experiencing any symptoms such as fever, cough, or sore throat, please contact our office to either reschedule your appointment or arrange for a telehealth appointment.